GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 112

orti ASIA 2017, the 5th International Tradeshow
for Horticultural and Floricultural Production
and Processing Technology, has returned to
meet with success, with the theme “Solutions to
Modern-day Agricultural Problems”, thereby focusing
upon showcasing and exhibiting technology advance-
ments, innovations, tools and equipment suitable for
horticultural industry, including fruit, flower and vegeta-
ble, as well as orchid, in Asia. So has AGRITECHNICA
Asia 2017, the trade show of technology and innovation
of agricultural machinery and equipment. This year
(2017) marks the first occasion upon which connection
and an exchange of leading and major innovations from
Europe and Asia are organized in Thailand. Both events,
which are held from March 15 through March 17, 2017, at
BITEC, Bangkok, has experienced success as expected,
with the more than 219 world-renowned companies and
entrepreneurs from 42 countries worldwide participating
in showcasing the latest technologies and innovations to
their names; as well as a groundbreaking number of
visitors amounting to 8,168 trade visitors from 76 coun-
tries - excluding thousands of livestock professionals
from VIV Asia.
On March 15, 2017, VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific
Co., Ltd. and DLG International GmbH have collaborated
in officiating the opening ceremony of Horti ASIA 2017,
the 5th International Tradeshow for Horticultural and
Floricultural Production and Processing Technology, over
which Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives (of Thailand) Dr. Thanit
Anekvit is kind enough to have presided and therein to
have provided the opening speech. The aforementioned
event is also honored by Mr. Nino Gruettke, Managing
Director, VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific, Mr. Philipp
Schulze Esking, Vice President, DLG Service GmbH, Mr.
Nopparat Maythaveekulchai, President of Thailand
Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), Prof. Dr. Aalt
Dijkhuizen, President, The Netherlands Agri & Food
Topsector, Mr. Axel Wildner, Counsellor for Food and
Agriculture, The Embassy of the Federal Republic of
Germany and His Excellency Mr. Paul Menkveld, Chargé
d'Affaires a.i., The Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands, all of who are kind enough to have borne
witness to the historical event in which Thailand will be
elevated to become the centre of agricultural exportation
to the global market, and in which “Thailand 4.0” policy,
as drawn up by the governmental sector, will be practi-
cally utilized with an aim to enhance the quality of life
and to create new ideas and initiatives apropos of further
development of Thailand’s agricultural business sector
“Horti ASIA” and
“VNU” and “DLG” Already
Prepared for Year 2018
w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m
Press Center
Andie Chen
orti ASIA 2017, the 5th In erna io al Tr deshow
for Horticultural and Floricultural Prod ction
and Processing Technology, as returned to
meet with success, with the theme “Solutions t
Modern-day Agricultural Problems”, thereby focusing
upon showcasing and exhibiting technology advance-
ments, innovations, tools and equipment suitable for
horticultural indust y, cl ding fruit, flower and vegeta-
ble, as wel as orchid, in Asia. So has AGRITECHNICA
Asia 2017, the trade show of technology a d innovation
of agricultur l machinery nd equipment. This year
(2017) marks the first occasion upon which conne tion
and an exchang of leading and major innov tions from
Europe and Asia re org niz d in Thailand. Both events,
which are eld from March 15 through Ma ch 17, 2017, at
BITEC, Bangkok, has experienced success as expected,
with the more an 219 world-renowned c mpanies and
entrepren u s from 42 countries worldwide participating
in showcasing the latest technologies and innovations t
their names; as well as a groundbreaki g number of
visitors amounting t 8,168 trade visi ors from 76 coun-
tries - excluding tho sands f livestock professionals
from VIV Asia.
On March 15, 2017, VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific
Co., Ltd. and DLG I ternatio al GmbH have collaborated
in officiati g the opening cer mony of Horti ASIA 2017,
the 5th In erna io al Tr deshow for Horticultural and
Floricultural Prod ction and Pr cessing Technology, over
which Deputy Permanent Secretary of Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives (of Thailand) Dr. Thanit
Anekvit is kind enough to have presided and th rei to
have provided the op ning s ech. Th aforem nti n d
event is also honored by M . Nino Gruettke, Managing
Director, VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific, Mr. Ph lipp
Schulze Esking, Vice President, DLG Service GmbH, Mr.
Nopparat Mayth veekulchai, President of Thailand
Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), Prof. Dr. Aalt
Dijkhuizen, President, The Ne herlands Agri & Food
Topsector, Mr. Axel Wildner, Couns llor for Food and
Agriculture, The Embassy of the Federal Republic of
G rmany and His Excellency Mr. Paul enkveld, Chargé
d'Affaires a.i., Th Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands, all of who are kind enough to have b rne
wi ness to the his rical event in which Thailand will be
elevated to become th centre of agricultur l export tion
to the global market, and in which “Thailand 4.0” policy,
as drawn up by the governmental sector, will be practi-
cally utilized with an aim to enhance the quality of life
and to create new ideas and initiatives apropo of further
development of Thailand’s agricultur l business sector
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