GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 119

tries to further lead flower exhibition orga-
nizations among Asian countries.
Despite the difficulties caused by the
recession of the global flower market, and
the worst weather conditions, etc., the ex-
hibition was visited by more than 500,000
domestic and overseas people.
The fair has achieved great results
and secured its status as the nation's fa-
vorite flower festival and the best exhibi-
tion that leads the local flower industry.
Foreign participants and buyers paid
their tribute of praise and showed willing-
ness to participate next year’s event
IHK2018. Signed MOU with flower related
organizations from Israel, Greece, Nepal
and Ethiopia, etc. shows promised contin-
uous cooperation.
International Horticulture Goyang Ko-
rea2018(IHK2018) will be held in the
spring of 2018 at Ilsan Lake Park, Goyang
City, Korea.
If there are any inquiries, Please con-
w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m
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