GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 118

s the only one horticulture specialized trade fair
in Korea, International Horticulture Goyang Korea
2017 (IHK 2017) showed millions of colorful flow-
ers from all around the world. This year, IHK was held
from April 28 to May 14 for 17days in Goyang City of
South Korea.
268 companies from 30 different countries including
Taiwan, Kenya, Ecuador and the Netherlands have par-
ticipated to get business opportunities. During IHK2017,
Nominated Business Days was set for 5 days to promote
horticulture and related industry. IHK2017 invited busi-
ness related people from all over the world and arranged
B2B meetings.
IHK 2017 showed drastic changes and innovations
by expanding opening hours, holding lake lighting show
and international floral design awards “Flower Moments
2017”, etc. It was evaluated with favorable reviews. In
addition, during IHK2017, the Council of Asia Flower Ex-
hibition(C.A.F.E) was established with 7 different coun-
orticulture Goyang
orea 2017
The best and the biggest flower fair in Korea
w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m
Press Center
s the only on horticulture specialized trade fair
in Korea, I ternatio al Horticulture Goyang Kore
2017 (IHK 2017) showed millions of colorful low-
ers from all around the world. This year, IHK w s held
from April 28 to May 14 for 17days in Goyang City of
South Korea.
268 companies from 30 different countries including
Taiwan, Keny , Ecuador and the Netherlands ave par-
ticipated o ge business opportunities. D ring IHK2017,
Nominated Busin ss Days was set for 5 days to promo e
horticulture and related indus ry. IHK2017 invited busi-
ness related peopl from al over the world and a range
B2B meetings.
IHK 2017 showed drastic changes and innovations
by expanding openi
hours, holding lake l ghting show
an internatio al floral design awards “Flower Moments
2017”, etc. It was evaluated with favorable reviews. In
addition, during IHK2017, the Council of Asia Fl wer Ex-
ibition(C.A.F.E) was establish d with 7 different coun-
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