GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 108

satisfied with the quality of the visitors. Furthermore, over
75 percent of the exhibitors stated that they will probably
or very probably exhibit at Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2019.
The recommendation rate was correspondingly high:
Over 90 percent of the exhibitors interviewed would
recommend an associated company to participate at the
next Asia-Pacific Sourcing.
Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2017 in figures
In 2017, 644 exhibitors (2015: 656) from 14 coun-
tries (11) participated in Asia-Pacific Sourcing: China
was the largest exhibitor nation with 538 exhibitors,
followed by Taiwan with 37 exhibitors and Hong Kong
with 31 exhibitors. Including estimates for the last day of
the fair, around 7,300 (6,600) visitors from 65 (66)
countries were recorded at Asia-Pacific Sourcing 2017,
this corresponds to a growth rate of 10 percent.
The next Asia-Pacific Sourcing will take place
from 5 to 7 March 2019.
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