GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 122

reenery & Landscaping China 2017 (GLC 2017)
was successfully held during June 7-9, 2017 at
Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention
Center (SWEECC), which for the first time is being jointly
organized by Shanghai Landscape Architecture and
Gardening Trade Association(SLAGTA) and Nürnberg-
Messe, the organizer of GaLaBau. This year Nürnberg-
Messe’s participation brought a new vitality to GLC. Com-
pared with the previous exhibition, the concept of fair got
a new planning and positioning. The fair attracted 122
exhibitors from 8 countries to display their latest design
works and products. In addition to maintaining the origi-
nal traditional garden products groups, GLC 2017 also
focused on two product groups – municipal garden ma-
chinery and playground facility. Governors including Mr.
Fang Yan, Deputy Director of Shanghai Landscape Ad-
ministration Bureau, and principals of The Government
Procurement Center of Shanghai Municipality visited the
expo and gave high evaluation marks. With the help of
GaLaBau, GLC get the support from German Landscap-
ing Architects Association and German Landscape Con-
tractors Association and the influence has been extend-
ed to overseas related industry enterprises.
Statements of Exhibitors :
Mr. Tao Han, the Marketing Manager of Rain Bird Corpo-
Greenery & Landscaping China 2017 is very successful
this year. The numbers of visitors has been obviously im-
proved compared with 2016 and they are all target visi-
tors. The largest part is greenery & landscaping design-
ers. The quantity of our clients information we collected
in current exhibition is double of that last year. The effec-
tive is more than our expectation, of course we will be
here again next year.
w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m
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