GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 123

Mr. Qian Zhang , the Marketing Manager of Hako Clean-
ing System
The Greenery & Landscaping China 2017 is a very pro-
fessional trade fair and has a high quality of visitors. GLC
provide us a platform to exchange experience and learn
from each other. At the Exhibition, we get acquainted
with the leaders of Shanghai Landscape Architecture
and Gardening Trade Association, we appreci-ated for
this chance.
As the most important event of the fair, 2017 China
International Symposium on Ecological Landscape Plan-
ning and Construction was successfully held during
GLC. The world's leading landscape architects from four
continents including Binyi Liu, the first person who got
Ph.D. in landscape architecture in China, Jianwei Li CEO
& Chief Designer of EAST DESIGN, Yoshizawa Tsutomu,
the famous modern Japanese landscape designer and
Adrian McGregor , the founder and CEO of McGregor
Coxall gave the speech of “Fit for Future, Building the
Livable City ” to 200 designers , developers and urban
planners. Activities including Innovation Times -Cultural
& Tourism Landscape Forum, 2017 China Smart City &
Planning and Design Forum, Theme park construction
and non-power recreational facilities safety seminar,
Three-dimensional green building to build livable ecolog-
ical space seminar, Eco City summit on Soil Improvement
Meeting and Husqvarna Silent City Seminar, were also
held during the fair. Over 800 professionals from all prov-
inces of China took active part in both events. Such high
level forums and events greatly enhance the comprehen-
sive quality of the fair.
The fair attracted 7100 professional visitors and
trade buyers and 8300 visits from home and abroad to
participate. The organizer arranged on-site shuttle bus to
meet professional buyer groups organized by major
provinces’ landscape institutions. 95% of the visitors
gave high evaluation marks and said they would visit
Greenery & Landscaping China 2018 which will be held
during May 29-31, 2018 at Shanghai World Expo Exhibi-
tion & Convention Center.
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