GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 29

Re-Dai, Stand tools, Win Features and more. While the
general hardware for industrial and commercial use
maintains its foothold as the largest showcase area, the
garden & outdoor equipment segment also attained
impressive growth after successfully attracting yet
another 10 exhibiting companies from Japan for two
years consecutively. A key exhibitor at this year’s
automotive supplies & accessories segment is KS
Terminal whose rising business is driven by its produc-
tion output for TESLA, which is central to the automaker’s
global supply chain. Along with other OEM, ODM and
contract manufacturing companies, their participation
highlights THS’ strength as a quality trade platform that
features trusted businesses for production of diversified
goods for international buyers in foreign markets.
Strong export demands push global lime-
light on Taiwanese manufacturers
THS 2017 will be held amidst a confident business
landscape when Taiwan’s industrial position is at an
all-time high. According to statistics from Taiwan’s
Ministry of Economic Affairs, the country’s tool hardware
industry reached an export value of NTD 110 billion last
year, surpassing market analysts’ expectations as it
doubled the value earned by the medical supplies and
bicycle sectors respectively. The tools hardware export
achievement also exceeds the machine tools numbers
for the first time since mid-1980s when Taiwan’s began its
revolutionary industrial development and new industrial
cluster such as Taichung was established.
Mr Gerd Keim emphasized that the local exhibiting
companies high customer-focused spirit are a popular
pull factor for buyers to visit THS as, “Taiwan manufactur-
ers are dedicated towards bringing innovation, differenti-
ation and introducing unique advantages to the most
competitive goods that meet the procurement needs of
the international buyers.” Apart from supplying top
quality goods to well-known tool brands, Taiwanese
manufacturers’ capability in providing differentiated
technology catering to exclusive custom-tailored require-
ments of big companies such as Mercedes Benz, BMW ,
NASA, TESLA, Boeing is a proud attribute of the nation’s
profitable industry.
Backed with internationally recognized certifications
and high-end technology use to operate across the wide
end-to-end industry supply chain, Taiwan's tools
hardware manufacturing strength is a fierce contender in
the global market. Business for Taiwan’s competitive
manufacturers will continue to expand as the huge
worldwide demand and popularity of Taiwan manufac-
tured hardware are still on the rise. With their
cutting-edge production capabilities, domestic compa-
nies have become industry-leading hardware producers.
The Taiwan Hardware Show 2017 will feature the best of
what Taiwan hardware manufacturing industry offers –
top quality hardware with high innovation, design
creativity and usability for international markets.
For more information on Taiwan Hardware Show and
the exhibitors, please visit
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