GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 24

IMA ASEAN Thailand is the all-in-one agribusiness
platform. One of the world’s leading and largest
agricultural exhibition in ASEAN, it showcases the
latest technology and innovation from the agriculture
machinery and equipment sectors.
This event promise to be the most complete trade,
knowledge exchange, and networking hub and platform
for the entire agricultural industry in ASEAN touching on
a variety of key topics including machinery, solutions,
technology that suit the region's agricultural needs. It is
the key meeting point for buyers, suppliers, manufactur-
ers, importers, exporters, farmers, experts and profes-
sionals in the agricultural business. Only at this event!
The show will be held from September 7-9, 2017 at
SIMA ASEAN Thailand 2017
w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m
Press Center
IMA ASEAN Thailand is the all- n-one agribusiness
platform. One of the world’s leading and lar est
agricultur l exhibition in ASEAN, it showcases the
latest technology a d innovation fr m he agriculture
machinery nd equipment sectors.
This event promise to be th most complete trade,
knowledge exchang , and etworking hub a d platform
for the entire agricultur l indust y in ASEAN touching n
a variety of key opics including mach ery, solutions,
technology t at suit the region's agricultur l needs. It is
the key me ting point for buyers, suppliers, manufactur-
ers, importers, exporters, farm , expert and p ofes-
sionals in the gricultur l business. Only at this even !
The show will be held from Septe ber 7-9, 2017 at
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