GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 22

High Quality Orchids Produced
and Marketed with Corporate
Management Techniques
aida Horticultural Co.,
Ltd. was founded in
1981. We have been
specializing in orchids breed-
ing, tissue culture, mass cultivation,
healthy plants control and worldwide ex-
port of all size, including flask plants, young
plants, medium, mature and flowering
plants, of various kinds of orchids. Over the
past decades, we have grown a tremen-
dous volume of Phalaenopsis, Cattleya,
Oncidium and other species. Thanks to
the know-how acquired and the years of
experience, we have become one of the most famous or-
chid growers in Taiwan with overseas branches located
in N.J and N.Y, U.S.A. We firmly believe the future of or-
chid kingdom lies in the knowledge and experience
of variety breeding and research.
Our goal is to meet all the needs of different
customers from all over the world
with high quality and the rea-
sonable price. Standing by
“customer first” philosophy,
we constantly strive to pro-
vide the very best products
to our customers to achieve com-
plete satisfaction and create win-win
Pen-chih hope, in the term to come, local sympo-
siums will be held at the main growing regions to en-
hance the business knowledge and information ex-
change, application and authorization for variety right.
We wish to encourage orchids’ consumption, beautify
our daily life by means of our
meager strength and more-
over, to have the orchid
trade blooming rapidly.
Taida Horticultural Co., Ltd.
100, Sec. 3, Chung Shan Rd., Da Tsun
Hsiang, Chang Hwa, 51506, Taiwan
Company Info:
w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m
Taida Horticultural Co., Ltd.
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