GARDEN Trader (AUTUMN 2017) - page 16

Home Gardening ─
The Trend of Economic Development
rom January to May in 2017, hand tools stand
the top among the export of Taiwanese garden-
ing supplies with the value of USD 25.39 m; The
United States as the largest export country with the
export value of USD 8.19 m. Next to that comes Germa-
ny, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia, Poland,
Italy, Japan, Mexico and France. Europe is still the main
export area of Taiwanese hand tools.
According to the statistics, there is an obvious
change that the export of “Mechanical appliances for
projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders,
agricultural or horticultural” reduced drastically by at
least 90% to only USD 720,000 compared to the same
period of the previous year. India has exceeded Japan
and became the largest export country of Taiwan with
the value of USD 200,000.
The total exports of “Cutting blades for agricultural,
horticultural or forestry machines” has increased more
than twice compared to the former same period with the
total of about USD 320,000, the category is being
exported to all over the world. The export value of the top
three export countries, United States, Brazil and Indone-
sia is account for two third of the total, being the main
export countries of Taiwanese cutting blades.
Home gardening has matured in many developed
countries. The garden centers in Europe have advanced
to national chain model and there are hundreds of local
multifunctional garden centers operating independently
in the United States. According to the report of Garden
Media, the total sales of American retail stores of indoor
gardening supplies have exceeded 1 billion dollars,
increasing by 8.2% compared to five years ago. 2016
IKEA Life at Home Report indicated that 60% of the
global population have been or are involved in indoor
gardening. There is quite a number of home gardening
companies rising in Taiwan. With the continuous
improvement of living standards, home gardening is the
trend of economic development.
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