Date: 2024-05-10     Hits: 82    
 This time, Delta showcases four important things at the Taipei Cycle show. Firstly, we highlight our mid-drive motor system, primarily used for power-assisted motors with high power output. This motor can deliver a power output of 90 Newton meters. Additionally, it features a round design and incorporates Delta’s transmission patent, offering a very compact unit suitable for e-mountain bikes and e-cargo bikes. Furthermore, we introduce our next product, which will be lighter, smaller, and more sophisticated, designed for e-city, e-urban, and e-gravel bikes. At the Taipei Cycle show, we also present our high-power output e-mountain bike, characterized by its sophistication and concealed motor. With its compact design, our e-mountain bike boasts an aesthetically pleasing appearance, allowing for flexible design options between the RC and FC components. 台達電子主要在自行車台北展,展出四項非常重要的事情,第一個是關於我們中置電機系統,這顆中置電機系統主要是用在高動力輸出的動力輔助馬達,那這跟馬達可以提供90噸牛米的動力輸出,除此之外,這顆的設計也非常圓潤,透過台達傳動專利,可以讓這顆體積非常的精巧,被我們預測在e-mountain bike跟e-cargo bike上面。另外,在這次的會展上面,我們同時也展出我們的下一款的產品,它即將以更輕、更小、更精巧的方式進行呈現,被我們預測在e-city跟e-urban還有e-gravel bike上面。此外,我們這次在自行車台北展上面更展出搭配我們的高動力輸出性能的e-mountain bike,在這個e-mountain bike的展出會非常的精巧,甚至看不到馬達,在這樣精巧的設計,能夠讓一台e-mountain bike設計起來非常美觀、漂亮,而且同時在RC跟FC的距離,可以更有彈性地進行設計,最後我們更更新了我們的eco system夥伴,這回我們的eco system夥伴更廣更有規模,歡迎各位與台達合作。 FaceBook ???? IMB2B(貿易眼國際) ???? ???? E-bike e-Magazine ???? 訂閱我們 ????
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