Date: 2023-09-21     Hits: 844    
our user-friendly product just launched this year. Image about one or two decade ago. If you want to attach to your rear-carrier, what should you do? You should find a rope in the early morning and you should attach the carrier and then untie the rope every day. That will be quite exhausted. But don't worry, we have launched the CR-113 quick release adapter this year. CR-113 is the universal compatible to many carriers. To make sure the security of your personal belongings additional place to attach the air tag space is integrated into the plate. And the bracket is 360 degrees rotatable. You can just attach on the bar or the corner wherever you want. And now let me show you how to use it. Insert the pins and just make sure that you are on the correct position and then you just pull up that you're a carrier and see everything is done. Now it's finished. You can just go to your work or go back to your home if you don't want to find rope in every morning in the future, just come to find us. We can give you the various options for the quick release adapters.
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