Agrokos Fair - 16th Edition 2016

   Date: 2016-08-31     Hits: 470    Status: Status
Date 2016-10-20 to 2016-10-22
City Prishtina
Address Pallati i Rinisë, pn. 10000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
Hall Pallati i Rinisë
Organizer Congress & Event Organization
Official Website

Agrokos Fair - 16th Edition 2016

Prishtina //
20/10/2016 - 22/10/2016
Agrokos Fair - 16th Edition
International fair “AGROKOS 2016” will provide an optimal environment for all exhibitors to successfully promote your offers in a highly demanding business environment, where everybody can touch the exhibition results right during the exposure days. 
"AGROKOS 2016" is an excellent opportunity to meet in one place all the leaders of the industry as well as host at your stands an impressive number of domestic and international visitors eager to look for the newest offers and services. 
Pallati i Rinisë dhe sporteve - Prishtina, Kosovo
Event period
20 – 22 October 2016
Congress & Event Organization
Mob: +377 44 177832
Address: St. Rrustem Statovci nr. 14, Prishtina, Kosova
Tel: +49(0)621 76225959
Fax: +49(0)621 76225933
Address: Augustaanlage 57,  68165 Mannheim, Germany
Once a year
First accomplishment
Exhibition program:
Food products from:
Milk, meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables, confectionary products, spices, etc.
Agriculture and Farming
Agro-inputs – seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, horticulture, greenhouse, farms, animals, food for animals, etc.
Light and heavy machinery for Agriculture
Equipments and technology for:
Food processing, packing, labeling, quality control and monitoring, cooling and heating, conserving and transporting, greenhouse, forest, irrigation and drainage, work tools.
Drinks, water, coffee, tea,
Beers - Beer Festival,
Wines and other alcoholic drinks and spirits.
Equipments and technology for:
Drink production, filling, packing, labeling, quality control, monitoring systems, drink conserving and transportation, etc.
Products and equipment for gastronomy and hotels
Ministry of Agriculture,
Institutions for costumer protection,
Science institutions for Agriculture,
Product certification institutions,
Agriculture faculties and schools,
Visitor target group
Businessmen, professionals from agriculture and
agribusiness sectors, institution representatives, distributors, professors, students, journalists, wider public, etc.
Statistics from previous editions
Number of exhibitors:            
2012    2013     2014
167       186       169
Number of visitors – Agrokos 2014:
Why exhibit at Agrokos Fair?

- A highly purchasing power market for agribusiness, food, drinks and gastronomy products;
- Serving to more than 70 million consumers in South East Europe;
- Meeting point of main actors of the field coming from Kosovo, the region and beyond;
- Marketing and direct sales in front of thousands of visitors.
Parallel activities during the fair
- Press conferences;
- Seminars and conferences with the participation of the mainstream experts from the field of agribusiness, food, drinks and gastronomy;
- Large program of organized B2Bs;
- Individual presentations by the interest parties;
- Giving out awards and certificates for exhibitors.
Fair plan
Fair Agenda
Date                                                    Time
Settlement of exhibitors
18, 19 October 2016                          08:00 - 20:00
20 October 2016                                 08:00 – 10:00
Official opening
20 October 2016                                      11:00 
Exhibition time
20 October 2016                                11:00 - 18:00 
21 October 2016                                 10:00 - 18:00 
22 October 2016                                 10:00 - 18:00 
Removal of exhibitors
22 October 2016                                after 18:00
23 October 2016                                08:00 - 20:00 
Participation form for exhibitors
Custom issues for exhibition goods
Arriving in Prishtina by vehicle
Flights to Prishtina
Arriving at the fair
After you arrive at the fair, please visit the information stand, so you can be equipped with an exhibitor ID card; our staff will escort you to your stand. For more information please contact our office.
Hostess during the fair
Please contact us via e-mail
Information on Prishtina
Supporting institutions and organizations
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development;
KIESA – Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency;
Albanian Diaspora Chamber of Commerce;
International and regional chambers of commerce.

Name:Congress & Event Organization
Address:St. Rrustem Statovci nr. 14, Prishtina, Kosova
Mobile:+377 44 177832
Telephone:+381 38 516 013
Fax:+381 38 516 012
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