
   Date: 2013-10-08     Hits: 1037    Status: Status
Date 2014-02-20 to 2014-02-23
City Antalya
Address 100. Yıl Blv, Antalya Merkez, Antalya
Hall Antalya Cam Piramit
Organizer Agoras
Official Website http://www.florplant.org/en/
Due to lack of exhibitors, we are cancelling the 3rd Florplant Ornamental Plants and Landscape Architecture Exhibition which we planned to hold between February 20 and 23, 2014 at Antalya Cam Piramit.

We are thankful to all exhibitor firms which attended our exhibition until today. Especially, we thank Pey-Art Group for exhibiting in more than 400 m2 area in the last two years of Florplant. Beside that, we thank all exhibitors from Antalya, Mersin, Odemis, Bayindir and Kestel that supported us.

We are thankful to all institutions supported us morally and material. We thank Mr. Osman Bagdatlioglu who is one of the directors of Central Anatolian Exporters unio. Ornamental Plants Producers Sub unio and their director Mr. Abdullah Okul is also among those we are thankful for. We also thank Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Antalya Commodity Exchange, Chamber of Landscape Architects Antalya Branch, Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Antalya Branch, Mediterranean Ornamental Plants Producers Association, Ornamental Plants Exporters Association and every other industrial institutions for their support promoting our exhibition.

We also thank all industry magazines and portals that helped us promote Florplant.

Three and a half years ago, we dreamed of organizing an international meeting of ornamental plants industry in Antalya. Moreover, it was in Antalya wher the Expo 2016 "the olimpics of exhibitions about ornamental plants” will take place. We invested this industry with our money and moral and physical effort.

As it seems, we couldn't anaylse the market well enough, we made mistakes, we failed. We couldn't find enough exhibitors for an exhibition we were planning to hold the 3rd. As it seems,Turkish ornamental plants and landscape industry doesn't need to meet in Antalya. In this context, we decided to cancel the the Florplant Exhibition before opening the 3rd.

Of course, the industry will keep its trade without and exhibition in Antalya. There is a successful, international exhibition in Istanbul. There is an exhibition in Odemis and there is a festival in Bayindir. Exhibitions are meeting, trading and knowledge transfer areas. Exhibitions, expositions, festivals go on and grow as they are useful to the industry. I wish all events serve the industry with joy and success.

If we made mistakes and offended anyone during this three and a half years period, forgive us.

We believe in this industry growing despite of everything. We think it will be a much bigger industry in the future. We wish successful trade to investors that have efforts of growing and improving.

Name:Bihter NALBANT
Mobile:+84 968 045 665
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