Kyushu, where SPORTEC Fukuoka is held, is renowned as the "Sports Island," offering stunning landscapes, world-class training facilities, and a passionate sports community. Fukuoka, a key city in Kyushu, stands as Asia's gateway, boasting excellent transportation, a multicultural population, and a thriving economy. This dynamic duo attracts global athletes, businesses, and visitors.
Features of SPORTEC Fukuoka 2024
[1]Expanding Market Reach in Kyushu
Take advantage of Kyushu's massive, untapped market, including new buyers who have not yet attended the Tokyo show.
[2]A Business Matching Platform
Connect with 200* exhibitors, primarily from the Kyushu region, and 12,000* highly motivated visitors with strong purchasing power.
[3]Boosting Brand Awareness in "Sports Island"
A prime opportunity to raise brand recognition and promote marketing activities in Kyushu, a region known for its sports culture.
For more details, please visit SPORTEC Fukuoka’s official website: