EV India 2022 Expo is an International Electric Motor Vehicle Show will provides the opportunity and
platform to electric vehicle manufacturers to showcase their latest Products, technology and
equipment, Smart and Next Gen transport, electric passengers cars, scooter, motorcycle, cycles,
buses etc to meet and network with the trade industry as well as end users ith the main aim to find
out new business and protection of the environment. EV India Expo is the best public interactive
platform for resources sharing, product purchase and brand display for the people and industry.

EV India 2022 Expo is an International Electric Motor Vehicle Show will provides the opportunity and
platform to electric vehicle manufacturers to showcase their latest Products, technology and
equipment, Smart and Next Gen transport, electric passenger car, scooter, motorcycle, cycles, buses etc
to meet and network with the trade industry as well as end users with the main aim to find out new
business and protection of the environment. EV India Expo is the best public interactive platform for
resources sharing, product purchase and brand display for the people and industry.