Hi-Q ECO POWER - EP-100 / EP-300

Price: N/A
Expiry: Long-term
Edit time: 2011-09-08 13:16
Hits: 3643
Supplier Information
Product Description
Delivery Time: 45-60
Payment Terms:  T/T
Revolutionary All-In-One Power Filter for beginner hobbyist
1. All-In-One Filtration
2. Patented Bio-Ball/larger effective area
3. Powerful Biological Filtration
4. Replaceable filter cartridge - research grade activated carbon & zeolite
5. Smooth water circulation and tidal flow, no clogging
EP-100, for up to 15 gallon, 105 gph/400L/hr
EP-300, for up to 30 gallon, 160gph/600L/hr
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