NACS-The Best OEM User-Friendly Diagnostic Tool

Price: N/A
Expiry: Long-term
Edit time: 2024-03-13 11:02
Hits: 214
Supplier Information
Product Description
PC Requirements
Operating system WINDOWS 2000,xp,Vista (32bit)
WINDOWS 7 (32bit) is required
CPU CPU 1.6 Ghz or higher
RAM WINDOWS 2000/XP:512MB; WINDOWS 7 / Vista:2G
Hard Disk Space Free space more than 1GB (on C driver)
Display Resolution 1024*768
Please use USB Hi-Speed Cable
(Ref.2.Hardware Coverage) to connect
your PC with NACS-TGB Diagnostic interface
Notes When you use Windows Vista or Windows 7 , first
you need to close “User Account Control (UAC)”,
please refer to P.4 No.5.PC Settings
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