IC Thermostat Digital Tu-998 D-12

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Delivery: In 15 days
Expiry: Long-term
Edit time: 2024-11-18 13:58
Hits: 1931
Supplier Information
Product Description
1. Fix the sensor line and the silica glass in the aquarium. Do not place them too close to each other.
2. Switch "ON" to set the temperature. After the display twinkles three times, it will show the present temperature.
3. With the power cut , the temperature will be set to 28oC When the power turns on again, the display will twinkle automatically. And the temperature needs to be set again.
4. With high temperature, low temperature, or the sensor line damaged, the display will twinkle automatically and show "HI", "LO" or "E-". The machine stops working at the same time.

1. Please use one plug only.
2. At the beginning use of the heater, please pay attention to the change of the temperature in the water.
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