Thermal Blanket

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Expiry: Long-term
Edit time: 2025-03-07 09:18
Hits: 413
Supplier Information
Product Description

The principle is by electron impacting nanometer carbon,and then to induce heat-sensitive and the electricalsensitivity of the special natural ores, to produce health products with far infrared rays and negative ionswhich iscurrently the only patented healthcare products with both of FIR and negative ions. Their fever principle is throughFIR to stimulate human tissues for resonantly heating; the incidence of heat occurs from our body, not onlyaccelerating the potential balance between the acupuncture points of the body, to promote bloodand lymphatic circulation, combined with the effect of negative ions to achieve the purpose of dual health care,not just the heat of body surface of the general heating blanket; so it is suggested that you can long-term useto improve physical fitness, eliminate fatigue and enhance the vitality.

The further description of this product are as follows:


Modern medical researchs: anions can effectively reconcile free radicals produced in the body,to reduce free radicals causes damage to human cells, helpful for the immune system, besides;anions can also inhibit dust mites, bacteria and other allergens in the air.Anions not only reduces the risk of the occurrence of the diseases of civilization, but also dosome help to delay cell aging, repair the damage to the cells and soothe Intensive emotion.


4 to 14 microns of far infrared light waves can promote cell metabolism and proliferation, it is also known asincubation light or light of life in science. In addition, the far infrared light waves will also intensify the blood flowingspeed, thus to contributing the metabolism of the body, to help repair the blood peripheral tissue. This product is notother heating products generally widely sold, through emission of far infrared light waves (4 to 14 microns) consistentwith the human body to stimulate human tissue for humoral resonant heat; although only foot contacts with thisproduct, the body will also feel warm, after the power is turned off, the body can still have the effect of persistentwarm.

Antifouling treatment of the product surface:

The surface is used our patented fever original parts and patented antifouling material, which can also have thefunctionality of fire protection, breathing and absorbent, rapid thermal conductivity and uniform distribution of thermalconductivity. Even accidentally contaminated with filth or splashing, can be dried after just using neutral detergent tobe locally and lightly scrubbed or brushed (please do not twist); maintenance will be very easy.

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