Aluminum manual wheelchair

model: B900
Price: N/A
Expiry: Long-term
Edit time: 2025-03-11 10:13
Hits: 741
Supplier Information
Product Description
B900 Aluminum manual wheelchair

Frame, Double cross braces and components made of alloy material.
Push handle bar height adjustable
Back & Seat upholstery tension adjustable conform to fire retardancy standard.
Rear wheel unit 24" Q.R. type with alloy rim & handrim & hub, adjustable in height forward & backward.
Option : 3 and 6 degree camber
Front wheel unit with alloy fork 4" PU caster height adjustable. 
Option : 3" PU caster
BR-A550 alloy brake.
Armrest L-type flip-backward,
Nylon fiber side panel detachable and height adjustable
Footplate height and angle adjustable
Further options as Seat belt, Anti-tipper, calf belt, PU tire and so on…..please contact us.
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