Brushless DC Motors With DC Driver

model: Brushless DC Motors With DC Driver
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Edit time: 2024-11-18 13:58
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Product Description

Brushless DC Motors are designed with NdFeB magnets to have high power and torque density, and small size structure. It is good for EV, Electric Vehicle and battery power applications. High efficiency, wide speed range, low EMI and no brush maintenance are Brushless Motor benefits.


Energy efficiency motor adopts the high magnetic energy permanent magnet to have high power and torque density, and small size structure.

2. Innovating structure to have high torque performance.

Electrical commutation can perform low noise, low EMI and no brush maintenance.


Lower rotor inertia and good heat dissipation, windings of Brushless DC motors are in the stator. In a brush-type motor, the winding is in the rotor.

5. Power and torque density are much higher than the conventional motors.
6. Without mechanical commutation, motor speed can be over 10,000 rpm.

The innovating structure has an excellent feature in energy saving during heavy-load operation, and high torque at low speed driving. The high efficiency range is much wider than conventional motors.

8. The drive adopts the full functions for vehicle needs. Ex. Battery low voltage protection, alarms, safety switch, FWD/REV, run/stop,
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