Auto Repair Tool

model: BL-1011
Price: N/A
Expiry: Long-term
Edit time: 2015-07-22 09:24
Hits: 1063
Supplier Information
Product Description
 Taskmaster Twins Puller Set , Automobile Chassis Repair Tools, Auto Repair Tool, Auto Service Repair Tool,
 Car Accessories Repair, Hardware Tool, Assembly Tool, Hand Tool, Manual Tool

* One flange type puller for removal of parts with 2 or 3 tapped holes, including harmonic balancers & timing gears.
* Another special puller for steering wheels, pulleys & flywheels.
* Contains three 3/8”-24 x 3, three 3/8-24 x 3”, three 5/16”-18 x 3-1/2” size cap screws.
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