SPORTS Trader 2024

uled for 2024, and the 20th Asian Games Aichi-Nagoya will be held in 2026. These events bring together athletes and spectators around the world, shining a spotlight on Japan’s sports facilities, infrastructure, and hospitality. Japan is known for its advancements in sports tech- nology, including wearable devices, data analytics, and training methodologies. The integration of technology into sports training and performance enhancement attracts international professionals and enthusiasts look- ing for cutting-edge solutions. The Japanese sports market represents a significant economic opportunity. International companies and investors are interested in tapping into Japan’s sports industry to promote products, services, and technolo- gies, and to engage with a sizable consumer base. These factors combine to generate interest and attention from overseas individuals towards Japan's sports industry. SPORTEC is an excellent opportunity to expand sales and develop new partners. In 2024, we will wel- come over 700 exhibitors, including 150+ companies from overseas related to fitness, beauty, sports apparel, nutrition and wellness food, and much more industries from all over the world. Moreover, SPORTEC is an excel- lent opportunity to meet 45,000 visitors in real. Don’t miss this opportunity! TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 39