SPORTS Trader 2024

status as leaders in the global supply chain. Robert Wu, Chairman of the Taiwan Bicycle Associa- tion (TBA) said: “The Taiwan Bicycle Industry plays a hugely important role in providing the world with a premi- um supply chain. We have a very hard working and smart bicycle industry which contributes many innovative prod- ucts on a daily basis. In August 2023, our average export price was FOB USD$1000 per bike and USD$1700 per E-bike. That’s a growth of almost 100 times compared with 50 years ago. 2023 has been a very difficult year for the worldwide bicycle industry, but hard times are also a good time to prepare exciting future products and tech from across the Taiwan Bicycle Industry.” Young Liu, Chairman of Bicycling Alliance for Sus- tainability (BAS) highlighted their future goals, saying: “Firstly, our members are required to complete a Carbon Footprint Verification within two years. Up to now, approx- imately 75% of the members have achieved this goal within just nine months. Secondly, our members are com- mitted to reducing carbon emissions by 3% annually, aim- ing to achieve a 25% reduction in carbon emissions per bicycle by 2030. That’s the equivalent of about 40 kilo- grams of carbon emission reduction per bicycle. Finally, we will promote individual carbon credit passports to en- courage more people worldwide to ride bicycles.“ Chairman Liu also mentioned that next year's TAIPEI CYCLE will invite important international bicycle associa- tions from across Europe and the United States to come to Taiwan to promote sustainability. TAITRA has confirmed that the upcoming TAIPEI CYCLE 2024 has surpassed the scale of its pre-pandem- ic edition, attracting a diverse array of exhibitors from across the globe. The 2024 event will boast over 900 ex- hibitors representing 30 countries, with a staggering 3,400 booths. Notably, the 4th floor of TaiNEX Hall 2 will be dedicated solely to the display of E-bikes and E-mo- bility supply chain products, complemented by an excit- ing E-bike demo track for test rides. TAIPEI CYCLE 2024 is scheduled to take place from March 6 to March 9 at TaiNEX Hall 1 and Hall 2, marking a significant milestone in the industry's journey towards electrification and sus- tainability. For further information, please visit: TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 31