SPORTS Trader 2024

integrating new formats such as masterclasses, innova- tion labs, conferences and pioneering partnerships such as those with the German Sustainability Award, Laureus, Yunus Sports Hub and Change Now – and we’re doing all this without forgetting our roots in the sporting goods industry.” ISPO Munich has set itself the goal of bundling the emotional power of sport. That is why this year’s trade show was once again the place to be and provided an ideal stage for new trends, innovative products and solu- tions. The statistics prove that ISPO Munich is once again viewed as a global platform for the entire industry, retail- ers and athletes. “I am happy because the transforma- tion of ISPO Munich is in full swing. We are delighted that our trade show is also being recognised worldwide as the place to be for the sports industry. This is reflected in the high level of interest shown by foreign exhibitors and in the enthusiasm of visitors and speakers from all over the world,” says Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München Group, who likewise summarises the event positively. Compared to the previous year, 57 per cent more exhibitors participated. The number of foreign exhibitors, who came to Munich from a total of 54 countries, increased by 64 per cent, thus raising their share among all exhibitors to 93 per cent. The new participants includ- ed 93 start-ups, which used the trade show as a platform to raise their profile, gain a foothold in the industry and expand their network. With a total of ten stages, ISPO Munich catered to the increased demand for the confer- ence and supporting programmes, as well as the stron- ger desire for opportunities for sharing. The facilities included the main stage, which provided ample space TRADE SHOW REVIEW 185