SPORTS Trader 2024

therapy is now also offered at gyms and that sickness funds play a fundamental role in this: “The extended services paid for by sickness funds are a key topic: You can offer Pilates courses with equipment and gyms can have this reimbursed as physiotherapy-based training.” To Novacare, which occupied twice the size with its stand in 2023, FIBO is the most relevant trade show when it comes to brand awareness and managing existing customer relations. Fitness for body and mind There is more to healthy living than just physical fitness. Skillcourt CEO Marcel Grünewald confirms that FIBO also echoes a future trend here: “Mental health is THE industry topic. Even though exercise from the chin downwards still drives the industry today, everybody now also understands the brain needs training, too. After all, this is where every movement starts. At FIBO, we have met a great audience who we deliver the necessary building blocks to with our Braintest. FIBO is the most relevant trade show for both our brand presentation and for sales.” This view is also confirmed by Johnny Gorter, Sales Director of Gharieni Group GmbH: “We’ve noticed that demand for spa options is now growing and becoming more targeted in the fitness field. We also saw our mental health products receiving greater attention. The focus is no longer ‘only’ on the body. Mental health and mental vitality are becoming increasingly important.” With its new Meeting Point Spa & Wellness, FIBO plays a pivotal role for the spa and wellness sector. “We are targeting new markets. In concrete terms, we attract many gyms, which in the past were not so much our clientele. And we also met many interested visitors from the weight training sector showing interest in our ranges.” Trendsetter FIBO At the weekend FIBO saw long queues for selfies and autographs, beaming faces and joint works-outs. Jacob Tilly, General Manager Europe at HYROX, also got carried away by the positive mood: “As a mass event HYROX offers a unique experience for everyone, regardless of their age or fitness level. Professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts can improve their skills in various fitness disciplines and compete with others. The cooperation with FIBO, the world-leading trade show for fitness, wellness and health, is a perfect match for HYROX. The event was a resounding success and generated many new touchpoints for us with our growing community.” Fitness blogger Sophia Thiel explained how FIBO also creates special memories for influencers and athletes: “FIBO forms an integral part of my past. I already had so many cool experiences here when I attended in 2015, 2016 and 2018, in my early days. For influencers there are, in fact, only very few opportunities to meet your community hands-on. And when you see the faces here, embrace your fans, with music every- where it’s just totally awesome.” The next FIBO will be held from 11 to 14 April 2024. TRADE SHOW REVIEW 175