SPORTS Trader 2024

by the German University for Prevention and Health Management (DHfPG) and BSA Akademie (BSA): the side events at FIBO 2023 impressively demonstrated just how versatile the synergies between fitness and health really are and the potential they hold. After all, almost 44 % of fitness and health facilities currently position themselves in the health segment, according to a current industry survey conducted by the Employers’ Association of German Fitness and Health Facilities (DSSV). “FIBO 2023 far exceeded our expectations. This is a view also echoed by some exhibitors who posted record sales. All this confirms to us that our now broadened understanding of health in all its facets – like nutrition and regeneration, wellness and exercise, mental and physical fitness – goes down well when presented like this. And not just among trade visitors,” underlines FIBO Event Director Silke Frank. “We have shown how each and every one of us can live and breathe health. Forming an integral part of this are young start-ups and progressive companies alongside the big industry players who with their innova- tions from the areas of digitalisation and high-tech as well as nutrition can make a big difference worldwide.” For all the products and services on offer, promoting broad-based awareness and education remains key. As Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse, sport scientist and Health Ambassador at FIBO puts it at the press confererence: “We need training, we need prevention. Which is why we have to embed the issue of health in education as early as possible so that young people, in particular, know how to maintain a high quality of life even later in life.” Gaming & Activity Area opens up new target group One way of reaching out to young people is through gaming. Gamer LeFloid stresses how important physical compensation is and what the market offers: there are games that can only be completed in connection with fitness workouts and devices that combine rowing with gaming. Even Germany’s AOK sickness fund has realised the potential gaming holds for health – using a Gaming Cube at its stand to introduce the community to e-sportspeople of Borussia Mönchengladbach. Sabine Deutscher, board member at AOK Rheinland/Hamburg explains during the press conference why gaming is so important to the AOK: “We also want to reach out to TRADE SHOW REVIEW 173