MOTOR Trader 2024

Exceeding expectation In 2023 Edition Post Show Statistics at a glance The 13th Edi�on of TyreXpo Asia event held at the Marina Bay Sands Conven�on Centre in Singapore from 8th to 10th March 2023 was a resounding success, reinforcing its posi�on as the premier exhibi�on in Asia for Tyres, Automo�ve Repair Equipment, Tools, Parts, and Accessories. The event has experienced con�nuous growth in a�endance over the years, with 4,874 visitors from 91 countries a�ending the three-day exhibi�on, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, wholesalers, and workshop owners. 202 Exhibitors 4,874 Attendees Over 400 Brands of Tyres 91 Countries 1,039 Tyre Buyers 2019 2023 2017 2015 2013 2011 2,506 2,478 2,443 2,382 2,276 Increase In Visitorship Over The Years 4,874 90% of our visitors MET their show objec�ves by mee�ng: New Leads and Business Opportunities Learn a lot about the latest Industry Trends Found Solutions for Current Challenges Valuable to meet the Entire Industry in One Place MOTOR TRADER TRADE SHOW PREVIEW Text,Photo / Press Center