MOTOR Trader 2024

1,021.04% and a positive growth of 1,088.88% in sales value compared to the same period last year, even though it only ranked 10th in terms of sales volume last year. Japan has long ranked among the top three in terms of Taiwan's motorcycle export sales volume, and has been ranked No. 1 in 2021 and 2022 consecutively. However, compared with the same period this year, the sales volume declined by 11.8% and the amount of money fell by 20.05%, and the first place was taken by Iraq. Looking forward to 2024, although China's post-epidemic economic recovery performance is not as expected, together with geopolitical interference, inflationary pressure and other factors, however, overall, motorcycle sales are expected to continue to grow steadily, and in order to comply with the international trend of net zero carbon emissions in 2050, the propor- tion of fuel motorcycle sales is bound to decline over time, while electric motorcycle sales are increasing year by year. Data source : Customs import and export statistics, compiled by TTVMA Taiwan Motorcycle Export Sales from January to September 2023 Unit : 1,000 NTD Rank Country Cumulative Amount Export Ratio YoY 1 Japan 875,199 17.62% -20.05% 2 Italy 528,211 10.64% -23.93% 3 Turkey 519,377 10.46% 399.44% 4 Belgium 473,282 9.53% 30.22% 5 Spain 346,657 6.98% -36.95% 6 America 280,843 5.66% -26.99% 7 South Korea 233,636 4.70% -54.77% 8 Israel 185,268 3.73% -65.09% 9 Hong Kong 165,297 3.33% -9.31% 10 Greece 156,672 3.16% 5.12% 11 Philipppines 154,001 3.10% -22.67% 12 Germany 151,979 3.06% 18.07% 13 Argentina 118,771 2.39% 117.17% 14 Iraq 83,638 1.68% 1088.88% 15 Macau 76,508 1.54% -13.02% 16 United Arab Emirates 56,004 1.13% 60.72% 17 Madagascar 52,564 1.06% 9.83% 18 Netherland 41,278 0.83% 167.93% 19 England 40,720 0.82% -41.35% 20 Dominican 39,998 0.81% -37.91% Others 385,823 7.77% -42.33% Total 4,965,726 100.00% -16.51% MOTOR TRADER INDUSTRY TRENDS 13