MOTOR Trader 2024

Export-oriented Motorcycle Market Data source : Customs import and export statistics, compiled by TTVMA Taiwan Motorcycle Export Volume from January to September 2023 Unit: Per Motorcycle aiwan's domestic motorcycle market has reached full capacity, with limited growth, and major motorcycle manufacturers have shifted their focus to the international market. For example, KYMCO is already the No. 1 seller of imported large-sized scooters in Europe, and has a 17% market share in Italy. According to Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufactures Association’s (TTVMA) Taiwanese motorbikes export statistics, the cumulative number of motorbikes exported through October 2023 is 130,087, an increase of 10.12% compared to the same period last year. The export value of motorcycles totaled NT$4,965,726 in October 2023, a decrease of 16.51% compared to the same period of last year. The top five exported countries are Iraq, Japan, Madagascar, the United Arab Emirates, and Nigeria, with all four countries except Japan showing positive growth. Iraq, the top exporter of complete motorbikes in terms of sales volume, has shown a remarkable performance this year, with a significant growth of T Rank Country Cumulative Volume Structure Ratio YoY 1 Iraq 24,562 18.88% 1021.04% 2 Japan 18,256 14.03% -11.18% 3 Madagascar 17,308 13.30% 37.08% 4 United Arab Emirates 12,159 9.35% 14.88% 5 Nigeria 7,218 5.55% 7.52% 6 Turkey 5,500 4.23% 393.27% 7 America 5,410 4.16% -38.59% 8 Italy 4,782 3.68% -30.65% 9 Ghana 4,618 3.55% 41.74% 10 Spain 3,543 2.72% -48.87% 11 South Korea 2,753 2.12% -55.55% 12 Belgium 2,602 2.00% -15.24% 13 Israel 2,066 1.59% -67.26% 14 Hong Kong 2,043 1.57% -13.14% 15 Philipppines 1,713 1.32% -26.58% 16 Greece 1,229 0.94% -20.61% 17 Ivory Coast 1,195 0.92% 112.63% 18 Germany 1,039 0.80% 6.78% 19 Macau 1,027 0.79% -19.58% 20 Dominican 972 0.75% -41.30% Others 10,092 7.76% -17.13% Total 130,087 100.00% 10.12% MOTOR TRADER INDUSTRY TRENDS Text / Infotrade aiwan's domestic motorcycle market has reached full apacity, with limited growth, and major motorcycle manufacturers have shifted their focus to the internatio al m rket. For example, KYMCO is already the No. 1 s ller of imported large-sized scoot rs in Europe, and has 17% m rket share in Italy. According to Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufactures Association’ (TTVMA) Taiwanese motorbikes export tatistics, the cumulative number of motorbikes export d through Oct ber 2023 is 13 ,087, an increase of 10.12% compared to the same p riod last year. The xport value f motorcycles t taled NT$4,965,726 in October 2023, a decrease of 16.51% compared to the same p riod of last year. The top five exported countries are Iraq, Japan, Madagasc r, the United Arab Emirates, and Nigeria, with all four countries except Japan showing positive growth. Iraq, the top exporter of c mplete motorbikes in terms of sales v lum , has shown a remark bl performance this year, w th a sign fic nt rowth of 12