GARDEN Trader 2024

w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m TRADE SHOW REVIEW No. of Visitors : 142,000+ (59,081+ Pre-registered through KISAN app.) Languages spoken : Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil... (As visitors came from all over India, most regional languages were represented). Visitor Promotion Total Data Bank : 21,00,000 Email Invitations : 10,00,000 Personal Calls : 70,000 SMS reminders : 4,500,000 Exhibition Venue Distance : 20 km from Pune Railway Station, & 15 km from Pune Airport. Display Area : 15,941 sq.m Parking : 50,360 sq.m > 1800 Cars and 2000 two-wheelers Volunteers : 150+ Speaking 9 Languages for Samvaad activities & registration. 11-15 DEC 2024 PUNE 97