GARDEN Trader 2024

European exhibitors and intercontinental growth above all from Asia and the USA was notable. In total, around 30,000 visitors from 122 countries came to Cologne. As such, spoga+gafa achieved a 20 percent increase in attendance and extended its international reach by 10 nations. In addition to Germany, the countries with the most visitors were in particular Great Britain, Italy, Spain, France and the Netherlands. Great Britain, Italy, the USA and Canada experienced the strongest growth in the number of trade visitors. High satisfaction among the manufacturers and the trade The exhibitors of spoga+gafa particularly empha- sised the significance of the leading global trade fair as an important personal exchange platform and were convinced about the quality of the international trade audience. "spoga+gafa went very successfully for us and our exhibiting members again this year. It has shown that encounters in such a setting are simply not replaceable. One meets up with colleagues, acquaintances and all of the industry's important decision-makers. It is of huge importance especially for the manufacturers to present their products on such a platform live - so they are experienceable and tangible. We are already looking forward to next year's spoga+gafa," stated Anna Hack- stein, Managing Director of the Industry Garden Associa- tion e.V. (IVG). In terms of the visitors, the top decision-makers as well as important multipliers of the industry were also extremely satisfied with spoga+gafa. John W. Herbert, General Secretary of the European DIY-Retail Association & Global Home Improvement Network commented: "spoga+gafa is the most important trade fair for our members. The fact that the big brands have flocked back to spoga+gafa proves that the trade fair is indispensable and a must-attend date for the industry. spoga+gafa has gained increased significance as an ordering show and as a means of direct exchange. It serves as a barometer for how the business of the DIY stores is developing and reflects the atmosphere of the market. Here at EDRA/GHIN, we are thus convinced by the relevance of trade fairs and especially by that of spoga+gafa." spoga+gafa 2024 will be staged from 16 to 18 June once again at the fair grounds of Koelnmesse. Further statements from industry members. "The significance of the personal contact was confirmed once again at spoga+gafa. Business deals are still always transacted by people. Being able to look each other in the eyes during conversations, but also being able to see and touch the new products and innovations is of great significance. In our capacity as an association, we were able to welcome many participants, members and international guests at our stand. The interest and curiosity is unabated again in 2023, which I am delighted about for the industry." - Martina Mensing-Meck- elburg, President, German Garden Centre Association e.V. (VDG) - TRADE SHOW REVIEW 85