GARDEN Trader 2024

he Indian floriculture industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, becoming a significant contributor to the country's agricultur- al sector. One crucial player in encouraging flower production, promoting local blooms, and creating awareness about the use of fresh flowers in daily life is the Grower's Flower Council of India (GFCI). Established with the mission to uplift the floriculture sector, GFCI plays a pivotal role in supporting growers, fostering sustainable practices, and promoting the aesthetic and cultural significance of fresh flowers. A groundbreaking move by GFCI has been the ban on artificial and plastic flower imports and sales in India. This decision aligns with global efforts to reduce plastic waste and environmental impact. By enforcing this mandate, GFCI not only ensures the promotion of locally grown, eco-friendly flowers but also contributes to a cleaner and greener environment. In this context, the 17th International Flora Expo 2024 along with Landscape & Gardening Expo 2024 will be held in Mumbai emerges as a key platform for showcasing the diversity and beauty of Indian flowers. T Text / Press Center w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m TRADE SHOW PREVIEW Blooming Success in India: GFCI's Initiatives and the Impact of the 17th International Flora Expo 2024 and Landscape & Gardening Expo 2024 in Mumbai, India 34