GARDEN Trader 2023
solutions, drones, photovoltaic generation systems, etc. Especially, agricultural drones were in the spotlight where we have seen the most increasing number of exhibitors these years. AGRIPROCESS TOKYO - 8th Farmers’ Processing Expo Tokyo AGRIPROCESS TOKYO covers the concept of 6th industrialization in the Japanese agriculture industry, which has been the movement that farmers produce, process and sell products by themselves. This year, food processing machinery for baked food, sweet potato, gelato attracted a large number of visitors, including many overseas visitors. LIVESTOCK TOKYO – 5th Int’l Livestock Supply & Equipment Expo Tokyo - LIVESTOCK TOKYO showcases the latest livestock farming supplies & technologies and has well-estab- lished in the Japanese livestock industry. From large-scale equipment such as barn systems, compost- ing machinery, drying fans, etc. to smaller-sized items such as LED, additives, etc., a wide range of exhibits have been showcased from around the world. GARDEX - 16th International Garden Expo Tokyo GARDEX is Japan’s Largest comprehensive Garden and Outdoor Lifestyle Show covering all kinds of horticul- tural-related products & outdoor items. The combination of existing “Gardening” and new “Outdoor Life” has made the show an even more valuable platform for the garden & outdoor industry. Especially, as camping has become a huge trend in Japan these years, many exhibitors showcased a wide variety of collections of camping equipment from BBQ items, furniture, tents, lanterns, outdoor cups, etc. The show was filled with quality buyers from home improve- ment stores, garden centers, and outdoor shops who were highly motivated to source trendy items. w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m TRADE SHOW REVIEW solutions, drones, ph tovoltaic gener tion systems, etc. Especially, agricu tur l drones we e in the spotlight where we have se n th most increasing number of exhibit rs these years. AGRIPROCESS T KYO - 8th Farmers’ P oc sing Expo Tokyo AGRIPROCESS T KYO covers the concept of 6th industrial zation n the Japanese griculture ind stry, which has been the movem nt that farmers produce, process and s ll pro ucts by themselves. This y ar, food processing mach ery for baked food, sweet potato, gelato attracted l rg number of visito s, including many overseas visitors. LIVESTOCK TOKYO – 5th Int’l Livestock Supply & Equipment Expo Tokyo - LIVESTOCK TOKYO showcases the l t t livestock farming suppl es & technologies and ha well-estab- lished in the Japanese livestock industry. From large-scale equipm nt such as barn sy tems, compo t- ing mach ery, dry g fans, etc. to maller-sized it ms such as LED, additives, etc., a wide range of exhibits have been showcased from around the world. GARDEX - 16th International Garden Expo Tokyo GARDEX is Japan’s Largest comprehensive Garden and Outdoor Lifestyle Show covering all kinds of horticul- tural-related p oducts & utdoor items. The combination of existi g “Gardening” and new “Outdoor Life” has made the show an even mor valuable platform for he garden & out oor industry. Especially, as amping h s become a huge trend in Japan these years, many exhibitors s owca ed a wide variety of coll cti ns of amping equi ment from BBQ items, furniture te ts, lan rn outdoor cups, etc. The show wa filled with quality buyers from home i pr v - ment stores, garden centers, and outdoor shops who were highly mot vated t source trendy items. 90
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