GARDEN Trader (SPRING 2019)
T he sales value of the gardening industry in Italy in 2017 was almost 3 billion Euro in a European panorama where the business is worth over 34 billion Dollars. On a global scale, instead, the sales have recorded 86 billion Dollars. The hard times are behind us, the trend up to 2022 is one of growth. Milan, January 2019 - In 2017 half the sales in the gardening sector in Italy have focused on horticulture, a third of the total was represented by gardening tools, 12% by pots and containers (+6.9% 2017-2022) and 8% by garden care. The total sales of the industry have been 2.76 billion Euro. An ever-increasing number of Italians buys (and gets information) online, and prefers organic products. Moreover, because of the progressive ageing of the population, the sales of gardening machinery will increase giving way to light, ergonomic and smart products (average growth 2017-2022: +6.4%). Forecasts for the industry The projections of the Italian gardening market forecast a constant growth in the sales up to 2022, when we will go back to the levels of 2010 thus reaching a value of 3 billion Euro. The figure for 2017 is 2,763 million Euro. The more generic context for 2017 was as follows: western Europe registered a market for almost 32 billion Dollars, eastern Europe was worth 2.4 billions, North America 37.7 billions, Asia Pacific 8.25 billions, Austral- asia 2.5 billions, Middle East and Africa 2 billions, South Myplant & Garden 2019 The study on the Italian gardening industry in cooperation with Euromonitor Internationa l - international research institute - will be presented during My- plant. Positive signals for Italy and Europe, with a highlight on emerging trends. “The green industry is an economic and social drive”. area 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 2015 - 2016 2016 - 2017 2017 - 2018 2018 - 2019 2019 - 2020 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022 West europe -2,6 2,1 1,4 1,5 2,3 3,1 2,8 2,7 2,5 2,5 Italy -6,1 -1,4 -0,8 0,0 0,4 1,3 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,4 Western Europe / Italy / Source: Euromonitor International for Myplant Trend and forecast of the growth of the European and Italian industry (with constant prices as of 2017): By/ Press Center TRADE SHOW PREVIEW w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m he sales value of the gardenin in ustry in Italy in 2017 was almost 3 billi n Euro in a pe n panorama where the business is worth over 34 billion Dollars. On a global sca e, inste d, the s les ave recorded 86 billion Dollars. The hard times are behind us, the trend up o 2022 is ne of gr wth. Milan, January 2019 - In 7 half the sales in the gardenin sector in Italy have focused on horticulture, a third of the total was represent d by gardenin tools, 12% by pots and c nt i ers (+6.9% 2017-202 ) and 8% by garden care. The total sal s of the indus ry have been 2.76 billion Euro. An ever-incr asing number of Italians buys (and gets informatio ) online, and pr fers organic products. Moreover, because of the progressive ag ing of th population, the sales of g rdenin mach ery will increase giving way to light, ergonomic and s art products (average growth 2017-202 : +6.4%). Forecasts for the industry The projections of the Italian gardenin market forecast a constant grow h in the sales up to 2022, when we will go back to the levels of 2010 thus reac ing a value of 3 billion Euro. The figure for 2017 is 2,763 million Euro. The more g neric cont xt for 2017 was as follows: western Europ register d a ma ket for lmost 32 billion Dollars, eastern Europ was worth 2.4 billions, North America 37.7 billions, As a Pacific 8.25 billions, Austral- asia 2.5 billions, Middle East and Afric 2 billions, South 20
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