GARDEN Trader (SPRING 2019)

ndonesia is undergoing swift development with booming industries such as construction, electron- ics, automotive, furniture, metalworking and others pushing for higher supply of basic manufacturing needs including fasteners, tools and other building machinery. Indofastener and Indo Tools & Hardware Exhibition focused on towards delivering new solutions that spur further innovation across the country’s vastly developing manufacturing sectors for heavy industries as well as the fast-moving retail sector for home DIY and commercial craft sectors. The combined exhibitions had been the eye-open- ing business experience that would highlight top-quality technologies in fastener and fixing solutions, industrial and house tools, hardware, equipment and products for major industrial and end-user applications. As Indofas- I Indofastener, Indo Tools & Hardware Exhibition 2018 Ended With High Enthusiasm on The Positive Outlook By/ Press Center TRADE SHOW REVIEW w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m 110