GARDEN Trader (SPRING 2019)
participation from overseas, GARDEX has surely become a truly international B to B trade show and activated Japanese international business in the industry. AGRI WORLD 2018 AGRI WORLD consists of 3 specialised exhibitions - AGRITECH JAPAN (8th International Agricultural Material & Technology Expo Tokyo), AGRINEXT JAPAN (5th Next Generation Agriculture Expo Tokyo), and 3rd Farmers’ Processing & Sales Support Expo Tokyo. As Asia’s largest B-to-B trade show for agricultural materials and technologies, over 536 exhibitors and many professionals from all over the world gathered this year to find new business and build connections in the Japanese market. AGRITECH JAPAN Japan's leading industry trade show for agricultural materials and technology. Exhibitors dealing in gricultural machineries, fertilisers, substrates, agrichemicals, horticultural supplies, and many more gather all at once. AGRINEXT JAPAN An exhibition which gathers next generation agricultural technologies such as plant factory technologies, IT solutions, drones, photovoltaic generation systems, and so on. As the competition in agricultural industry is getting fierce, many agricultural TRADE SHOW REVIEW w w w . I M B 2 B . c o m participation from overseas, GARDEX has surely become a truly internatio al B to B trade show and activ te Japanese internatio al bus ness in the indus ry. AGRI WO LD 2018 AGRI WORLD consists of 3 pecialised xhibitions - AGRITECH JAPAN (8th Interna io al Agricultural Material & Technology Expo Tokyo), AGRINEXT JAPAN (5th Next Generation Ag iculture Expo Tokyo), and 3rd F rme s’ Processing & Sales Support Expo Tokyo. As Asia’s largest B-to-B trade show for agricultur l materials and technologies, over 536 exhibitors and many professionals from al over the world gathe e this year o find new busi ss and build connections i the Japanese m rk t. AGRITECH JAPAN Japan's le ding industry tra e show for agricultur l materials and technology. Exhibitors deal ng in gricultural machineries, fertilis rs, sub trate , ag ichemicals, horticultural supplies, and many more gather all t once. AGRINEXT JAPAN An exhibition w ch gathers nex generation agricultur l technologies such as plant f ctory technologies, IT solutions, drones, ph tovoltaic generation systems, and so on. As the competition in gricultur l ind st y is getting fierce, many agricultur l 102
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