I am very please to contact you regarding our purchase product. I will like to introduce our company, we are one of the leading company we make purchase of products from company for our sales demand, we are in search of a good company to work with we are willing to make purchase as long as your price is good, kindly contact me with your catalog and price details for business talk.
Kindly note that quality is also very
your quick response.
Best Regards,
Mrs Earnest Lynessa
Company: Fields Company Int.
Add:75 Ninth Avenue 2nd and 4th Floors New York, NY 10011.
Phone: +1 212-565-0021
Fax: +1 212-565-0001
Email: fieldsmfg@ozymail.com.au / fieldsmfg.com@inbox.lv / mrsearnestlynessa@yandex.com