Foam Tex

  • Brand Name:Foam Tex
  • Company:Feng Yi Outdoor Leisure Equipment Ent. Co., Ltd. 豐(人益)企業股份有限公司
  • Website
  • Region:Taiwan/Taichung City
  • Hits51
  • Updated:2024-08-30
Brand Introduction
 Our company was established in 1994. We are one of the few specialists in the production of self-inflating mattresses in the world. Over the past decade we have developed lightweight foam, lighter fabrics, innovative foam with cored holes and our patented fast-locking big valve for all our products.

Out customers are always on our minds in order to provide the best quality products and to create the most innovative ideas for them. For our patented innovations we use specially processed materials. Many of our products are manufactured by machines, which are exclusively developed within our company.

As we are in complete control of the whole production line, form beginning to end, we many say our quality is outstanding and unequalled. Moreover we have long standing relationships with our suppliers to ensure us the best raw materials. Our main company's goal is to provide excellent product quality and services and we see innovation as our main challenge.
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